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VLA Dance

We are thrilled to announce our February partnership with VLA Dance.


VLA Dance is a Black-owned Contemporary Dance company whose mission is to create freedom for people of all identities through contemporary dance. Based out of Roxbury’s Hibernian Hall and Boston Center for the Arts, the company has created a platform through performance, education and community advocacy that celebrates and empowers underrepresented voices. Above all, the company values dance that moves all toward freedom, justice and sustainable life for people of all identities.

Victoria, the Director of VLA Dance, is someone we have had the pleasure of getting to know, and we’ve been able to learn a little more about her “why.” We are thrilled to host an IG LIVE session with her on Wednesday night at 8pm for all of you to hear more about why she started VLA Dance. Here’s a preview of her story:

“I grew up in a suburb of Massachusetts, where I was one of the only black people in my community. I was constantly undervalued and seen through the lenses of tokenization, microaggressive conversations, and flat-out racism. It was not until I went to college when I understood the value of spaces that were welcoming and accepting that I began to celebrate my identity as a black woman and the beauty and power that holds. These empowering experiences that changed my life inspired me to start a company that celebrates what each individual brings to the table. VLA DANCE is the diverse contemporary company I wish I had the opportunity to look up to as a young artist traveling into Boston to dance.”


Victoria introduced us to their signature virtual offering called Heat Up/Cool Down — a class that we are now thrilled to share with all of you! For the month of February, we are inviting all of you to try out this class with the VLA Dance community. Here’s a rundown of the class:

Designed for people of all ages and dance experiences, HeatUp/CoolDown is a two-part class: the first section is a dance portion and the second is a guided full-bodied meditation.

Because you are a member of The Handle Bar community, these classes are free to you for the month of February! Bring a friend and register for the class using this form.

Heat Up/Cool Down is 60 minutes, and takes place virtually on Zoom on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:30pm.




Be sure to tune in to our Instagram Live Wednesday evening at 8pm when we sit down with Victoria and ask her more about how she turned her dream into a reality.

Got questions? Let us know! Reach out to, or you can get in touch directly with VLA Dance to find out more about their offerings. Visit their contact page and get in touch!

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