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Melissa’s fitness journey started about six years ago, when she decided to “reinvent” herself after a breakup and signed up to run her first 5k. Shortly thereafter, she was hooked on the runner’s high and began training to run her first marathon – an injury took her off the road and during a search for low-impact/high-intensity workouts she found spin and has not been able to get off the bike since. She is now fully recovered from her running injury and continues to run road races, including the Falmouth road race, several half marathons, and her first full marathon in Philly last Fall.


Originally from The Bronx, she came to the Boston area for college, and stayed after graduating and taking a job at Harvard where she still does “stuff” (feel free to ask her what this means!).


She LOVES tropical tunes and sexy beats, exploring new cities, and sharing good vibes and positivity.


What’s your favorite season and why?

Summer! 4th of July is my favorite holiday, also fireworks, BBQs and being outside.


If you could meet one person, living or dead, who would it be and why?

I would want to meet Oprah. It would be great to get her advice on creative strategies to uplift people, how to keep my house in order, how to improve on my gardening skills, how to increase my impact in the community, how to improve my diet and become a better version of myself. I would also love to hear firsthand her recommended steps to become a great leader. (We would become best friends! I would keep her on speed dial for everything, lol).


Describe your perfect day.

Any day spending quality time with the people I love! Add red wine or rosé. 🙂

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