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Managing Anxiety Amidst COVID-19

In times like this, there is no playbook. We simply take it day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, and try to ~calmly~ do the next right thing. When our HB team can’t physically be with you in the bike room or the MOVE room, we still want to be there for you. *cue Friends theme song.*  Guided by our Handle With Care mission to peel away stigma and shed light on mental health, we compiled a few of our favorite and most reliable resources as of late; these resources serve to answer some questions, quell some anxieties and give us a moment of pause during these unsettling and unpredictable times.  


When you need answers quickly:

Coronavirus Anxiety Toolkit

This easy-to-digest toolkit is packed with topics ranging from talking to your kids about COVID-19, coping with financial worries and what “social distancing” truly means. The website also shares advice from licensed therapists on commonly asked questions regarding COVID-19 and offers a forum for you to drop a question of your own. 


When stress creeps in:

Managing Stress from The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

7 Science Based Strategies to Cope with COVID-19 Anxiety from The Conversation, Inc.

These articles dive into best practices to manage COVID-19 related stress.


When you feel called to help:

“How Can I Help?” by Gretchen Schmelzer

This article highlights the psychology of offering and asking for help in times of need, and how both can bring a sense of calm to anxiety-provoking situations.  


When you need to talk it out – Finding a Therapist

Zencare or Psychology Today 

Both sites serve as resources to match you to a local and accredited therapist. All therapists are offering virtual sessions for the time being. Be sure to select one in your area so you can seamlessly jump into in-person sessions following the COVID-19 social distancing measures.


When you just need a moment – Meditation Apps

Prezence or Simple Habit

These meditation apps offer moments to pause, breathe and reflect amid uncertain and ever-changing times. When in doubt, pop on 30 minutes of ocean sounds before bed. 


When you’re feeling out of sorts – Mood Tracker Apps


Daylio allows you to track your mood and reflect upon your day. Once you get started, you can look back at your history and see what elements of your day (physical activity, diet, hobbies, sleep etc.) may be contributing most positively and negatively to your mood. 


When you need to write it out – Free Write Apps

Prompted Journal

This free writing app offers unique journal prompts for you to let your thoughts and feelings flow. Choose from a wide range of prompts or brainstorm your own and add them to your list!  


We will continue to share resources and knowledge as we move through this difficult time together; these tools just scratch the surface! We’re kicking off a weekly IG Live series that will touch on all of these extremely relevant topics. Hosted by HB founder, Jess Fracalossi, and Handle With Care Executive Director, Ellie Castine, the show will air on The Handle Bar’s IG Live every Thursday at 7:15am (and will be available a full 24 hours after posting!). Jess and Ellie will discuss a variety of mental health topics and best practices for navigating our new reality. Put it on while drinking your morning coffee, getting ready, and get your daily dose of thoughtful discussion on mental health and our current times. Thanks for tuning in and see you every Thursday morning at 7:15am!



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