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In January 2022, as a part of our Handle With Care initiative, we launched a new series of rides: Joyful Movement Rides.

Joyful movement is an approach to fitness and exercise that focuses on moving in a way that feels good for your unique body and transforms your mentality towards exercise from something that you ‘have’ to do, to something that you look forward to doing because it helps you feel your best.
Here at The HB, we work hard to create a safe and welcoming environment for all bodies to move. Our Joyful Movement Rides are a direct reflection of that intention. We aim to provide a space where you are encouraged to focus on how you feel on your bike and in your body… rather than on calorie burn and physical gains.
What movements bring you joy? What movements feel challenging? How can you become more in tune with yourself during this time, rather than pushing a new limit or measurable goal? We offer you the chance to really connect with yourself during these rides and focus on what comes up for you, both physically and mentally.
We know your time is valuable and you come to our studios for a reason! Our Joyful Movement Rides will still offer a strong, challenging workout. You can expect a classic HB experience, but with extra focus on how your body feels during the movement, and how it impacts your mental health and self-talk. The accessible pace of these classes allows you to connect with your body, mind, and soul– while still giving you a sweaty, endorphin-fueled reward!
We are so excited for this Joyful Movement journey, and we hope to see you along the way!
Joyful Movement Rides are a recurring series at The HB! Be sure to stay tuned on Instagram and via email for any upcoming Joyful Movement Rides.
With Love,
The HB Team

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