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Instructors’ Favorite Summer Spots

When they’re not chasing the beat in the studio on sunny days, HB instructors make time for their favorite places.

Summer is the season for sneaking in time at your favorite spots. Ever wonder where HB instructors are when they’re not in the saddle? We asked seven instructors to share the places they love to linger come warmer weather. Here, their favorite places—from seaside spots in Boston to special locations halfway across the country.

Eve Morocco

“Barking Crab in the seaport!!! So fun to sit on the water and get a yummy lobster roll.”



Sarah Maguire

“The Tiki Bar at The Ocean House, down the street from our cape house in Dennis Port, MA. It is perched high up, overlooking the beach and ocean; has a killer drink list; a delicious raw bar; and live music on the weekends!”



Elisa Petersen

“Lake Michigan in Northern Michigan. It’s a really magical place. The lake is so big it’s like the ocean, only fresh water. The beach is gorgeous, the sand is white, it’s really good for the soul.”



essica Fracalossi

“Amory Park just outside of Audobon Circle in Brookline. The huge grass field, tennis courts, and beautiful homes lining the park make it such a peaceful place to spend dewey summer mornings, or sunny afternoons with a blanket and an iced coffee.”



Matthew Uzenski

“My favorite spot during the summer is Loco in Southie on Mondays for $1 oysters. I hit up Loco for a dozen oysters, guac, and a Miller High Life with my friend Rob.”



Julie Moody

“Plymouth Beach (or ‘The Point’) is my favorite beach to spend my days at. It is a gorgeous beach and also filled with memories from my entire life. “



Charlie Finnigan

“Granite Links/Crossing Nines: beautiful view of the city, live music, driving range, great cocktails, and you can see the most incredible sunset. Very relaxing spot!”


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