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A Note from Our Founder

To this amazing Handle Bar Community:

Eager is an emotion I am very familiar with. Eager can be impatient. Eager can be greedy. Over-eager, often leads down a negative path. But for me today, Eager is passion, thirst, and a commitment to excellence.

MOVE by The Handle Bar has been a project of passion and commitment since we first starting toying around with the idea almost 2 years ago. Fast forward through months of development, instructor training, and more development, and we’re finally ready to deliver a brand new workout that I’m very proud to put our name on. However, the MOVE room and the experiential elements of the class are quite ready. For this reason, we’re going to hold off on a grand opening this weekend and work to finish the details before launching the class to paying customers in a few weeks.

But, in true HB fashion, we’re taking a couple of lemons and making lemonade. We’re excited to host our regular MOVE schedule beginning next week, in the form of invitation-only, complimentary demo sessions. In exchange for the free workout, we just ask that you provide your honest feedback. Tomorrow, we’ll be emailing our most frequent riders across all 4 locations with instructions on how to take part in this complimentary trial period. If you don’t receive the email but are interested in taking part in a feedback demo, please email us at with a short description of your fitness background and why you’re excited to demo the new product!

With love and lots of eagerness,



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