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The HB gift guide is here! With only six days remaining until Christmas, here are a few gift ideas for all of the special people in your life.   For him The HB...

Allison Daroie, the founder and CEO of Paridaez, knows what it’s like to live a nonstop life and wanted to create clothing that could travel seamlessly with her from a...

Cara, an ultrasound technician at Atrius Health and Children's Hospital, found a way to sweat she loved close to work at The Handle Bar Fenway. She played volleyball in college,...

We're always on the hunt for the most effective (and convenient) ways to cross train. We want results and we want the workout to fit seamlessly into our already jam-packed days....

Mental health issues touch us all, whether we want to admit it or not. And, unfortunately, most people don’t want to admit it. But here’s the reality: 322 million people worldwide live...

Meet Kristin, a member of the HB community since May 2016. Kristin is a modest warrior in the bike room who really found her footing after her first month unlimited package...

Good nutrition is a part of every good workout routine—but everyone has different favorites when it comes to post-workout meals, breakfast staples, and even splurge foods.Here, Handle Bar instructors reveal...

Unlimited riding June 3rd-August 25th $599 BUY NOW IT'S BACK.   It's our favorite time of year and we know the best way to spend it: by joining us for HB Summer Share 2018! As much as...

A spotlight on our community It's become tradition for us to reward our rider community with a major sale around Labor Day weekend. We get lots of questions in anticipation of...

  BUY TICKETS   Handle Bar Heat is a special one-time event that incorporates The HB's traditional, rhythm-based 45-minute cycling session with an added challenge: a heated room. This ultra intense ride will also star one...

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